Tibetan Book of the Dead is a series of images which references the Tibetan Book of the Dead by way of actual Tibetan Monks all of whom engaged in acts of self immolation in protest of the Chinese policy towards Tibet.
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"Golden Fish Symbolizing Courage" Digital Concept Art
"Conch Symbolizes Undaunted Fearlessness to Proclaim Truth" Digital Concept Art
"Lotus Flower Symbolizing Rising Above Suffering" Digital Concept Art
"Parasol Symbolilzing Protection" Digital Concept Art
"Banner Symbolizing Victory Over Self" Digital Concept Art
"Dharma Wheel Symbolizing Buddah and the Eight-Fold Path" Digital Concept Art
"Bowl Symbolizing Filled with Potential" Digital Concept Art
"Eternal Knot Symbolizing the Connection of Everything" Digital Concept Art
"Mandala Symbolizing the Universe and Never-Ending Life" Digital Concept Art
"Golden Fish2 Symbolizing Courage" Digital Concept Art
"Lotus Flower2 Symbolizing Rising Above Suffering" Digital Concept Art
"Wisdom" Digital Concept Art