This series, Slaughter of the Innocents, is a tribute to child victims of major events of war and genocide. The children are represented by photographs of dolls in various degrees of disarray and victimization. It creates a visual incongruity in which the innocence of the doll is contrasted with the children's experience. .
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"1-Slave Trade" Digital Concept Art
"2-Native American Trail of Tears" Digital Concept Art
"3-Armenia" Digital Concept Art
"4-Holodomor" Digital Concept Art
"5-Gypsy" Digital Concept Art
"6-Holocaust" Digital Concept Art
"7-Dresden" Digital Concept Art
"8-Hiroshima" Digital Concept Art
"9-China-Great Famine"Digital Concept Art
"10-Cambodia" Digital Concept Art
"11-Rwanda" Digital Concept Art
"12-Gaza" Digital Concept Art